Persol Gel


Persol AC gel is a cosmetic acne treatment. As an active ingredient, it includes benzoyl peroxide. It has keratolytic and antibacterial properties. It eliminates the germs responsible for acne and aids in the removal of dead skin by loosening the keratin layer.

$6.00 per unit

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  • Persol Gel, 5% 30gm, is an antibacterial gel, used to treat mild and moderate acne. This form of the drug is applied topically to the affected area. It works by reducing and killing the causative agent, making the skin dry and peel, curing mild and moderate acne. Benzoyl Peroxide is the main active pharmaceutical ingredient present in Persol Gel. The active constituent is an antibacterial drug that helps treat mild to moderate acne. It usually takes a few weeks to cause improvement in the appearance. Sometimes acne may get worse before they get better. However, with correct and regular usage, your skin will get clearer. The medicine will uplift your confidence as your skin condition eventually improves.
  • Persol Gel 2.5%?has been well established as a common medication for acne vulgaris. It has the active component benzoyl peroxide, an antibacterial agent that kills the acne-causing bacteria and unplug pores, preventing comedones’ formation. It is a gel-based formula for treating mild to moderate acne. The formulation absorbs excess oil leading to a clear and reduces skin irritation.